It's Monday Made It time, it's Monday Made It time...
I'm kinda dancin' around doin' a conga line thing...except
I'm dancin' by myself...sigh.
Are you picturin' it?
Wish you were here to join in...Pismo Beach is
beautiful and I'm typin' this while the waves are crashin' below,
the seagulls are chirpin', the whales are squirtin' water in the air,
and the seals are barkin'.
So peaceful!
I'm linkin' up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for
one of my most favorite linkys...Monday Made It!
I love a good deal.
It makes me feel like I've won an award when I find such a thing.
I found a pack of small 4 x 4 canvases at Tuesday Morning
for $8.99 this past week.
There were 9 canvases in the pack, so
that worked out to about a $1 a canvas.
I have one very thin strip of wall in my class that is bare-naked.
I need to put some clothes aka canvases, on that wall.
I need to put some clothes aka canvases, on that wall.
I decided that I would make the word
to hang on this space.
I painted each canvas black, then printed out
some letters usin' KG's "Love Ya Like a Sister" font.
I then used the letters as a guide to cut out scrapbook paper
letters. After this step, I used Mod Podge to paint over each
letter on the canvas. I used two coats.
I think they are really colorful and will
look great up on the wall.
You can tell me the truth if you don't think so.
I can take it.
You can tell me the truth if you don't think so.
I can take it.
It's hard to see them on the black canvas, but up close
they are very bright!
I even considered connectin' them to a ribbon, but I'll wait
until I get back to school to see what that will look like.
I had a bunch of fabric left over from my
I wrote about a few Mondays
I bought some Marble Accents and magnets that were on
sale to make D-I-Y Fabric Magnets.
This took a little bit of time, but was extremely easy.
I'm really good at easy projects.
I just popped on the finale of Game of Thrones that I had missed.
By the time the episode was finished, so was I with this craft.
Place some Mod Podge on the bottom of a flat marble/rock
and then place glue side onto fabric.
Paint another layer on the bottom of the fabric and let it dry.
Cut along the edge of the marble/rock with scissors.
Hot glue some magnets on the bottom.
I bought a magnetic, black whiteboard at Michael's for 40% off with a coupon.
Since my mom was with me, I made her bust out her smartphone to
also get a coupon to purchase a black tabletop easel.
I am usin' the board, easel, and fabric magnets for a display board of
pictures of my Nitty Rose.
On Wednesday, my parents' friends will host a memorial dinner
in honor of my lovin' grandmother and serve a great deal of her favorite foods.
I wanted to share some special times that she had when she
visited my parents in California each year.
I also wrote on a piece of construction paper with some chalk and placed it in a frame.
This will be surrounded by pictures of Nitty enjoyin' food.
She LOVED hamburgers and hot dogs!
I'm also linkin' up with The Teaching Tribune for Monday Meet Me-Week 5
The more I fill out these random facts about myself, the more I realize how
incredibly weird I am.
It's a good thing some of y'all still love me anyways!
This is my friend Kelly from A View into My Classroom.
If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know that
I got to meet Kelly in REAL-LIFE on Saturday.
She came with her sweet husband and little girls to
my hotel in Pismo Beach to swim while we chit-chatted with one another.
Before we knew it, two hours had passed.
Our conversation just flowed and it seemed like we had
been friends forever and ever!
I'm so glad we were both able to be at the same place, at the same time!
I will definitely be seein' Kelly again some day.
She can't get rid of me that easily!
I hope you go and show Kelly some love and follow her.
She's extremely creative and innovative!
Also, my friend Christy from
has reached a huge milestone of 1,000 followers.
To celebrate, she is havin' a giveaway.
Christy also has her super fun linky
"Eating, Drinking, Linking...Oh My" goin' on.

I linked up my whole post that I wrote here
for Saturday Snapshots because I ate A LOT of yummy
food last week.
Happy Monday, friends!