Happy Thursday friends!
I could really get used to this stayin' home for snow(ice) days stuff.
This has been the best three day birthday celebration in my history!
Since we are nearin' the end of January, I wanted to go back to my
original January 2014 goals post and reflect on my goals
that I made at the beginnin' of the month.
Read my responses that are highlighted in pink to see
if I did what I said I was goin' to do.
I am linkin' up with one of my absolute most favorite bloggers,
I could really get used to this stayin' home for snow(ice) days stuff.
This has been the best three day birthday celebration in my history!
Since we are nearin' the end of January, I wanted to go back to my
original January 2014 goals post and reflect on my goals
that I made at the beginnin' of the month.
Read my responses that are highlighted in pink to see
if I did what I said I was goin' to do.
I am linkin' up with one of my absolute most favorite bloggers,
A(my nickname for her), from The Babbling Box.
A is real, she is honest, she types from her heart and
isn't afraid to let out what is on her mind.
isn't afraid to let out what is on her mind.
I love that about her and I enjoy readin' her blog immensely.
She is startin' a new linky that suggests you write down your goals
for the month.
I can totally do this.
for the month.
I can totally do this.
One month is much more attainable than one year...for me personally.
1. Do not let my laundry mountain get too high.
I end up waitin' until the mountain gets really high before doin' laundry and
then it absolutely overwhelms me.
My goal is to do a little, a few times a week, instead of all at once.
I will unpack my suitcase when I return and put away my clothes.
(So far...pretty good. Not great, but definitely better.
Now only if I could kick my Jane.com problem
I wouldn't have to worry about more laundry.)
(So far...pretty good. Not great, but definitely better.
Now only if I could kick my Jane.com problem
I wouldn't have to worry about more laundry.)
2. Stop drinkin' Diet Coke.
I can't help it. I really can't. It's an awful habit.
I have been three days Diet Coke free.
I'm hopin' I can keep it up.
(This has by far been my biggest challenge. I am 32 days Diet Coke free.
There are times that I have almost cracked, but I'm determined to keep it up.
I have switched to Green Tea and I haven't bitten anyone's head off...yet.)
(This has by far been my biggest challenge. I am 32 days Diet Coke free.
There are times that I have almost cracked, but I'm determined to keep it up.
I have switched to Green Tea and I haven't bitten anyone's head off...yet.)
3. Read a book once a week in January.
Before I started bloggin', I read two to three books a week.
I am after all the leader of the Nerd Herd. I love to read.
It is my escape. It's my happy place.
Readin' blogs is still readin' though...so I haven't actually given up cold turkey.
That's a plus.
(I have read three books this month.
Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant all by
Veronica Roth. Since I'm still on a snow(ice)
day...in Florida, I still have an opportunity
to read a fourth book before the month is over.
Still hangin' out in my jammies has been a great motivator.)
(I have read three books this month.
Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant all by
Veronica Roth. Since I'm still on a snow(ice)
day...in Florida, I still have an opportunity
to read a fourth book before the month is over.
Still hangin' out in my jammies has been a great motivator.)
4. Get my Bloglovin' feed down at least once a week.
I'm pretty good about keepin' up with blogs.
Then again...I'm new to this and I don't have children.
I imagine this has a lot to do with it.
I admire each and every one of you that goes to school each day,
raises a family, does all of the extra work that teachin' requires,
and still manage the time to be an online celebrity.
You amaze me and you really are a celebrity to me.
I want to keep up with at least once a week gettin' my feed down to zero.
(I have been super busy on the weekends this month, BUT I have
made time to get my feed down. Success!)
(I have been super busy on the weekends this month, BUT I have
made time to get my feed down. Success!)
5. Stop bein' so bossy.
Again, I can't help it. I blame it on bein' an only child,
but I know plenty of other only children that are not bossy like me.
I like to make excuses. I know I need to stop.
I'm goin' to at least try.
(Major fail on my part. I'm still bossy.
I knew this was goin' to be difficult when I typed this.
Will it be awful if I use it as a February goal also?)
(Major fail on my part. I'm still bossy.
I knew this was goin' to be difficult when I typed this.
Will it be awful if I use it as a February goal also?)
6. Gettin' back to the kitchen.
I know I tease that I am allergic to the kitchen.
I'm not.
I do know how to cook,
I just hate don't like to cook.
The grocery store stresses me out.
There are too many choices. I go in there and instantly become brain dead.
I have no sense of adventure and always walk out with the same things.
Since Miss Nelson and I are goin' to be juicin'...I must go to the grocery store.
We can't juice forever though, so we have vowed to start cookin' together,
one day a week,
one day a week,
to get ourselves prepared.
Both of us are spoiled by really amazin' men that would rope the moon for us if we asked.
They are responsible for feedin' us.
This is about to stop and we are goin' to surprise them.
(I hope neither of them are readin' this because they would probably be laughin' their heads off)
(Miss Nelson and I did two rounds of juicin' together...
which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I have been eatin' a lot healthier and have even participated in the grocery shoppin'.
I'm gettin' really good at pinnin' healthy pins on my "eat well" board.
Who knew there were so many different recipes out there for cauliflower?
I am down 11 pounds...my jeans thank me.)
(Miss Nelson and I did two rounds of juicin' together...
which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I have been eatin' a lot healthier and have even participated in the grocery shoppin'.
I'm gettin' really good at pinnin' healthy pins on my "eat well" board.
Who knew there were so many different recipes out there for cauliflower?
I am down 11 pounds...my jeans thank me.)
7. Quit lettin' every little thing about education bother me.
I am passionate about what I do.
I love teachin'.
There are some things that really get under my skin though and I let it overtake me.
I need to breathe and let things go.
I waste too much time and energy too often on this.
Movin' on...
(I did VERY well with this until about a week ago...
Never fear...I'm back on track now.)
(I did VERY well with this until about a week ago...
Never fear...I'm back on track now.)
8. Join Amazon Prime.
I just need to do it already. I don't know what I'm waitin' for.
(I got two $50 gift cards to Amazon for my birthday. I'm thinkin' this was
just what I needed to make this happen.)
(I got two $50 gift cards to Amazon for my birthday. I'm thinkin' this was
just what I needed to make this happen.)
9. Watch Downton Abbey.
The only way to stream it now is on Prime, so I'm goin' to accomplish two things at once.
(I technically have two days until January is over. Don't give up on me yet.)
(I technically have two days until January is over. Don't give up on me yet.)
10. Win big at the slot machines.
I'm goin' to Biloxi this month for a yearly birthday trip with some friends.
Last year I hit the first five minutes I was there and lost it back.
This year...I'm goin' to hit and get up and walk away.
You just wait.
(Um...this did NOT happen...I lost...a lot.)
(Um...this did NOT happen...I lost...a lot.)
11. Smile more.
Sometimes I forget to smile.
It's not that I'm unhappy, I just get lost in my train of thoughts.
I really am a happy person.
I can do this!
(I have been tryin' this..."tryin'" bein' the key word.
I just need someone to walk around with me all day tellin' me jokes
so I can laugh...which produces smiles.)
Just got the call that we are back on for school tomorrow.
One day...I can do this!
(I have been tryin' this..."tryin'" bein' the key word.
I just need someone to walk around with me all day tellin' me jokes
so I can laugh...which produces smiles.)
Just got the call that we are back on for school tomorrow.
One day...I can do this!