My name is Alison Rose
I'm an Apple-holic.
It's been 4 1/2 days since my last inter-Mac-tion.
Sad face.
I took my Mac into the Apple Store because I kept gettin' a black screen
sometimes when I typed. If I clicked a button it would go away.
It really was just a nuisance more than anything.
I don't have an Apple Store where I live, so I thought it would be smart to
take advantage while I'm here in CA.
I went in one night last week and it was slammed...imagine that.
I made an appointment with the Genius Bar for the followin' day.
They told me I would have to leave it there for 3-5 days.
Sad face.
I tried pitchin' a fit, but they weren't havin' it.
I told them I was on vacation.
That I had stuff to do.
That this baby is less than two months's a newborn.
That there are 5th grade students in Florida that will need to use it on Jan. 6th.
That there are 5th grade students in Florida that will need to use it on Jan. 6th.
Nope...they made me leave it there.
I did fine until yesterday and then the shakes started to set in.
I missed the keyboard.
The iPad mini and my iPhone just weren't cuttin' it.
I ventured upstairs to the land of the dinosaurs.
I'm over here all tryin' to hit Command + V on a desktop P.C....
and nothin' happens.
It's official...I'm an Apple-holic.
Sad face.
Sad face.
Today I got the phone call I had been waitin' for.
4 and one half days later.
They have to send it off to some "place"...I really don't know where because
there was steam comin' out of my ears.
It will be another 5-7 days from today.
I'll spare you all the bad things I want to say right now.
Sad face.
I have gone out and purchased two backpacks because mine busted on the way here.
Read about that here.
I don't need to worry about a backpack now because
I won't be carryin' my baby home with me.
Sad face.
I told my parents I should just return both and really spend some quality time
searchin' for the perfect fit for me.
My mom doesn't think I'll find a better deal.
I got one on sale for $39.
My dad says, I definitely won't get a better deal
because I spent $0.
Funny guy.
Like takin' down this monster.
I did use up all the patience I had stored back up since break started to complete this.
So cute...not easy to make on a regular PC.
I miss the Mac.
Sad face.
So cute...not easy to make on a regular PC.
I miss the Mac.
Sad face.
In other news...I'm bein' fed extremely well.
I posted these on Instagram already, but I wanted to share again.
My mommy makes beautimous breakfasts and snacks.

My mommy makes beautimous breakfasts and snacks.
That is all.
Thanks for listenin' to me whine and dealin' with my sad faces.
Happy New Year my friends.
I hope 2014 is filled with tons of awesomeness for you!