Happy 4th of July, y'all!
I'm not sure how many people will be readin'
blogs on this holiday, but I couldn't
pass up postin' my 4th Monday Made It on the 4th
with my sweet friend Tara from 4th Grade Frolics!
4's all around!
Today we are attendin' a BBQ @ my parents' best friends' home.
Everybody got to choose what they wanted to bring.
I wanted to make somethin' "red, white, and blue"
for the 4th.
I consulted my good friend, Pinterest, and looked
for some easy to make pins.
There were a lot to sort through and many to help spark
some inspiration, but this is the one that I choose
Produce in California is BEAUTIFUL and so fresh!
Berries definitely don't look like these do when they finally make
their way to Florida.
I've been enjoyin' all the fruits every day while here!
These were super, duper easy to put together
and a mostly healthy, yet extremely delicious treat!
Red, White, and Blue and scrumptious!
I'm bringin' back a Monday Made it from two years ago...
since you guys like the task cards so much
from last week's MMI.
I'm gettin' in the 4th of July spirit and wanted
to make somethin' festive.
This could be used any time of the year though.
I've got it up for FREE on Monday.
Be sure to leave some feedback love please.
My kids always love any review for multi-digit
Even better when it's colorful and has
patriotic clip art.
Some of my fondest memories of summer as a child
was goin' to have tea and popovers at
Acadia National Park
when we would go on vacation in Maine.
As an adult, it has become a tradition for my mom
to make popovers whenever I visit my parents
in the summer.
This summer I decided to help make
this tasty treat.
They were so quick and easy to make and even
yummier to eat!
*Mom uses the Popovers recipe from
Add some butter and jam and you will be in business!
I hope everyone is enjoyin' the day with family and friends.
If anyone needs me...I'll be stuffin' my face!
Happy Monday, friends!