Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tune into Technology Linky: iPads...

Today I am linkin' up for "Tune into Technology Linky: iPads" with Kristin at iTeach 1:1 as well as Alyin and Amanda at Learning to the Core.  This linky will stay open until next Thursday, so come on and enjoy the party with know you want to!

Last week I finally took the plunge and wrote a project for  My project was about my students needing an iPad mini for "Touching the World With Our Fingertips". (<~Read about it here)  I'm happy to report that it has been FULLY FUNDED!  
So, what does this mean for my kiddos?  In the Fall, after school starts, our new iPad mini will be delivered. I know my little rockstars are goin' to be surprised and very thankful!  Now I need to come up with a "thank you" project for my donors with the iPad.  Anyone have any fabulous ideas on what I should do?

Since my district has a B.Y.O.D. policy in place, my students are free to bring their own device(Kindle, Nook, iPod, iPad, smartphones) to the classroom.  The rules for "MY" room are:

1) You must have FUN!

2) You may NOT take your device out anywhere besides this classroom, unless permission is granted by another adult or teacher.  It shall remain in your backpack at the following places (car line, bus line, bus, hallway, etc.) If you do not follow this rule, you will lose this privilege until the end of time.  (Simple and not up for discussion. I've never had to take a device away and we have been usin' them in my class for goin' on five years now.)

3) You may read on your device during "independent reading", but you may not play games.  Save the games for free choice. (I give free choice at least every Friday afternoon.  They love playing with devices at free choice, so it keeps them motivated to work hard; play hard.)

4) You must always share with someone that has not brought a device if we are working on a planned class activity or research.  We are a family that cares and shares! (Never had anyone NOT want to share.)

5) You must be responsible and take care of your device at ALL times. (Knock on wood, please...haven't had any technology fatalities.)

6) You must practice being a good digital citizen. (Always!) 

Now onto iPad apps that  I love to incorporate in my class or durin' learnin' centers:

iPad Screenshot 1
Best Books for Tweens is great for 5th and 6th grade(possibly 4th too).  I like this because it gives you the option to search books by categories such as: Action & Adventure, Animal Characters, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Non-Fiction, Male Protagonist, Realistic Fiction, Sports.  Great for boys & girls!  Also, each book has a little synopsis and a rating. 

iPad Screenshot 1  
Chicktionary is great for word work or making words. 
The kids love this one. Who am I kiddin'?  I love this one too! 

iPhone Screenshot 1
I'm sure you all already use Brain Pop, but I take it a step further and have the 
kids work as a group. After a video they spark up a conversation about the video 
and work together to give me a written response as a group.    

iPhone Screenshot 1
We use Edmodo EVERY DAY in my class.  Here's what I have listed on my class website about Edmodo.
"Our class uses Edmodo's educational networking site "where learning happens".  Edmodo was created to provide teachers and students with a safe and secure alternative to consumer-based social networking.  Edmodo helps connect all learners with the people and resources needed to reach their full potential.  Students are given a log-in and password.  Each day I assign a new task and students respond to the task appropriately with a typed response.  The task might be to watch a video and reply, or to check out a new website pertaining to whatever we are discussing and learning that day.  After the task is completed, I assign a grade for the assignment.  Students may use Edmodo at school and home.  Parents are also able to access their own child's Edmodo activities with a secure code." In addition, I have many videos, links to websites, Powerpoints, notes, documents, etc. that are stored in organized folders by subject areas or theme and placed in the "Library" on Edmodo.  These are always available for students to review.  
* Note: I am also attached to the other classes in my pod, so we can all monitor each other's responses.  We have a class as young as 1st grade that uses Edmodo on a daily basis.

iPhone Screenshot 1
I pretty much dig all of Big Fish Games adventure apps.  The hidden objects games are great for the kids to collaborate and investigate to find whatever the app is askin' them to look for.  It really gets their brains movin'.

I am sure I will think of many more apps I use on the iPads to incorporate technology in my classroom
(of course it will be AFTER I post this).

For now I'll leave you with this video to make you think.


  1. Yay!! Congrats on getting your Donor's Choose Project funded-so exciting...your kid will love their new mini! Definitely want to check out Chicktionary-looks like a great app for Daily 5 centers! Love the video you posted-the music is so intense which really gets your thinking makes you strive to do your best to create a "21st Century" classroom! Thanks for linking up!

    Learning to the Core

    1. Thanks for hosting! Yes, the music is very intense, but hits the spot for sure!

  2. Congratulations on getting your Donor's Choice Project funded! I found your blog through the linky party. I am a new follower!

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

    1. Thanks for stopping by, reading, and following! I love these linky parties. I find such amazing stuff!

  3. That's so cool that you are a BYOD school. Donor's Choose is awesome and I'm so happy for you that your project got funded. These apps all look awesome. I need to check out Chicktionary! What a powerful video- thanks for sharing!

    iTeach 1:1

    1. Thanks for hosting! I'm already itching to write another project, but I have to wait until the mini is delivered and I fill out my "thank you" packet to earn more points. I want to write for a MacBook Air or Ultrabook Touch Screen laptop.

  4. What a great post and great ideas! I'm happy to be your newest follower through the linky party!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

    1. Thank you, Erin! I just hopped on over to your blog. I'm excited to learn about Google Drive!

  5. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your Donors Choose project. We had a representative come to our school encouraging us to apply for a project, but (to be completely honest) I was a little intimidated by the idea. Second, I love your entire post about iPads! My absolute favorite part would probably be about your rules. I love rule #4 about "a family who cares and shares!" Great job! :)

    Live, Love, Learn in Fourth Grade

    1. THANK YOU! You seriously need to write a project. I'm ashamed of myself for waiting so long. There really wasn't much to it. Let me know if you need any help!

  6. Congrats on getting your Donor's Choose project funded! So exciting! I love your rules for BYOD!

    1. Thank you! They are pretty easy to follow for the kiddos...I think!

  7. YAY for being fully funded :)

  8. Super excited to check out the Best Books for Tweens app! Thanks for the suggestion.
    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack

  9. I must check out Chicktionary! You have a lot of great recommendations... Thanks so much for sharing!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  10. Have you checked out THE WIG series?
    The(mis)adventures of 10-year-old Sofia.
    check out the 5-star reviews

    THE WIG:Crazy Summer
    THE WIG:New School & Other Stuff?

  11. Alison.
    Thanks for directing me to this blog post! Insightful tips! I also love the 21st Century You Tube video! Very motivating!! :) Thank you!
    K&C Love Grade 3


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