It's Thursday, time to link up with my
sweet friend Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
for Positive Thinking Thursday.
This linky makes me smile.
I love readin' everyones' positive thoughts.
I've been in a silly mood I'm takin' the funny route again.
I've been in a silly mood I'm takin' the funny route again.
Do you know my hilarious friend Matt Sutton from
If not...go follow him...NOW!
This post was an inspiration from a comment that
he left on my last Positive Thinking Thursday post.
One little word was all it took to know what I was goin' to write about...
*I have VERY positive thoughts about bacon.
If you are a herbivore, I apologize to you and allow you to
exit this post; I promise I won't even judge you.
If you are a carnivore...KEEP READIN'...
(My friend A from The Babbling Box is lovin' this right
now...guaranteed! She appreciates bacon just as much
as I do. She even has a place by her home that
has a basket of bacon as an appetizer....jealous!
I'm pretty sure our instant bond revolved around bacon)
*This guy makes me laugh every time I see him.
Even more so when it involves bacon.
*True story.
*This is so me!
*No need to make bacon instead!
*I added somethin' educational...are you proud?
I really need to order this shirt.
*Totally usin' this one in my class.
My kids would get a kick out of this.
*Okay herbivores, if you're still here...admit laughed!
*Now this is a book I'd like to read!
I heart bacon.
That is all.
I hope this made a few of you smile.
If not, you can blame it all on Matt for givin' me the idea!
Happy Thursday, friends!
Stay positive.