Forgive me readers...for I have sinned...
It's been 8 months since my last post.
I could sit here and list all of my excuses...
I planned a weddin'.
I moved.
I got married.
Photo credit: Caroline Brantley Photography
I went on a honeymoon.
My grade level had 4 state tests.
I took up a new hobby of cross-stitchin'.
I read books that didn't start with "Once Upon a Time".
I watched a lot of Netflix and Amazon Instant Video.
I cut open and broke my finger.
I was tired.
I could just ask you for forgiveness.
Forgive me?
I'm not goin' to make empty promises that I will be back full force
with bloggin' because I might be lyin' to both of us.
I will just have to take it one linky at a time.
I've missed you all though.
That should count for somethin'...right?
Lots of cool things happened in my classroom this past year.
You'll just have to take my word for it.
I thought the best way to ease myself back into bloggin' would be to
link up with my friend Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for "Monday Made It".
Tara's post last week was an inspiration to me
because she made it a point
because she made it a point
to state that it's okay to make stuff for home and not just school I did. I did.
(Disclaimer: Jerm, my awesomeness husband, did all the dirty work...
I just bossed him on what to do...
because I still have a broken finger...
he's the best!)
because I still have a broken finger...
he's the best!)
Jerm and I have been watchin' HGTV's "Flea Market Flip" on Netflix.
It gave us the idea to browse some antique and second hand/thrift stores to find
some treasures to "flip".
We got this table for free.
We found these two chairs at a shop for $20 a piece.
We talked the lady into givin' them to us for $40...
instead of her askin' price of $50.
We got this outdoor fabric at Jo-Ann Fabrics for 50% off.
The sweet lady accidentally cut into our yard so we got an additional 30% off.
This cost about $7.50
We sprayed them with Rust-Oleum's Gloss Seaside.
Three cans of this cost about $12.
Total project cost less than $60.
I'd say our table and chairs flip was a success!
I can't wait to read what everyone else has made.
Happy Monday, friends!