
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tried It Tuesday...I WONDER if you'll read this...

Since it's Tuesday...I'm linkin' up with my buddy Holly from the Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday.  It's my favorite day of the week for me to share some awesomeness and to read about the awesomeness goin' on in my bloggy buddies' worlds.


My one and ONLY Awesomeness for the day: My new favorite read aloud of all time

Did I give it away in my post title?  That's's WONDER by R.J. Palacio!  Forgive me if you've already read this gem to your students and know all about its AWESOMENESS.  If you have never heard of this or read this...go as quickly as you can and pick up a copy of this.  Scholastic has a hard copy right now for $12.oo or you can use bonus points for purchase.  Amazon is sellin' it for $9.59 or has a Kindle edition for $7.99.    I would definitely suggest this book for 4th or 5th grade and higher.   Even if you teach a lower elementary grade, I suggest readin' this for yourself.  It's THAT GOOD!

I introduced Wonder by showin' this short video clip to my students from R.J. Palacio's website.

I strongly suggest makin' your way through R.J. Palacio's website to give you, the teacher, some background knowledge before you begin readin' the book.  The FAQ section will answer many questions that you might have.
I can't even begin to describe to you how much my students LOVED this book.  They BEGGED me every second of the day to finish readin' this book to them.  We experienced so many emotions while readin' Auggie's story.   We got down to the last four pages and I was bawlin' like a baby.  Wouldn't you classroom phone rang.  One of my sweet babies answered and it was my Assistant Principal needin' a laptop in the front office conference room.  I thought to myself...there are only FOUR pages left...I'll just finish.  Wrong!  I got down to the last FIVE lines and she called again to let me know I wasn't movin' fast enough for her.  Lol!  I was snot-sobbin' cryin' and could barely see through my tears, but I finished without ruinin' the end for my kids.  I will never let my AP live this down.  I have reminded her every time I see her that I had FIVE LINES LEFT!  I'm lucky I can joke with her about this...she does do my evaluation after all!
I must share some blog posts about Wonder, written by The Wild Rumpus.  I showed the videos to my class that she shared and suggested.  WOW!  That's all I can say.  Talk about sparkin' some phenomenal conversations in my room.  I waited though to share these until after we learned what Auggie looked like in his sister Via's point of view.  I don't want to say anymore because I don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't yet discovered the wonder of Wonder.
Every year our Media Specialist sends out a Google Doc to sign up for books that we'd like to see purchased for our school library.  I jumped on that email so fast and asked for her to please order at least one copy for each 5th grade teacher and if at all possible, a class set for check out.  I WILL be readin' this book EVERY year.


  1. Thanks for sharing the video and the site. I am planning to read it to my kiddos toward the end of the year, and it looks like that website will be a huge help!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  2. Alison--thanks so much for linking to those videos. I'm glad your class enjoyed them! You know I love me some Wonder :)

  3. I have never read the book before but after your recommendation I will definitely have to go check it out!

    Polka Dots & Teaching Tots

  4. I can't wait to check out those videos-thanks! I'm reading it to my class RIGHT NOW! (My class from last year is mad at me because I didn't read it to them, but I didn't hear about it until the end of last year!) We're on Summer's perspective and we love it! Did you already read it this year?
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. Sounds like a great book! I'm always looking for engaging reads to share with my 6th grade homeroom. Do you think the older kids would like this too?
    Kate's Classroom Cafe

  6. Well gosh darn it! You've piqued my interest. Bummed I'm stuck reading the S-L-O-W-E-S-T moving book in the WORLD right now. Ugh! I hate starting a book, hating it, and being stuck reading the rest of it, just know? We're reading The Candymakers, and it's not the most exciting book. I'm thinking Wonder will be the next book we read {when we finish this other one in 100 years!}. ; )

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  7. I have this book purchased and it is sitting next to me in my "pile" on the floor right now! I can't wait to read it and have heard so many great things! Thank you so much for not giving away the ending. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  8. I read this with my fifth graders last year, and it is an amazing book. Very powerful! :)

  9. Love the video! I've read the book to my class, but I had no idea that the author had the video. Thanks for sharing!

    Turtley Loving Teaching


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