
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tried it app, Halloween writin', skeletons, & soap

It's Tuesday.  I love Tuesday.   Wanna know why?  It's Tried It Tuesday time!  I'm linkin' up with my buddy, Holly, from the Fourth Grade Flipper. One of my sweet students said he looked on my blog for his picture this weekend and didn't see it...even though I took his picture(I added it below).  He said, "I think you only post stuff on Mondays and Tuesdays."  I think he is right.  I'm fearful to log-on to my Bloglovin' account.  I can only imagine how many posts are yet to be read. I feel like a really bad bloggy friend.   I have an excuse's actually a really great one too.  I've been super busy procrastinatin' on writin' my Individual Professional Development Plan.  It's due on Thursday.  Guess what I'm doin'...writin' a post instead.  If that's not highly effective, I don't know what is.

Tried it Awesomess #1: InstaFrame's FREE
Find it in the iTunes store here
I'm not sure why I had never loaded it to my phone before.  It has provided a great deal of entertainment.
My sweet student wore this on Dress Your Way Day.  I agree.

This is my tech genius and blog reader. He loves learnin' anything about anything dealin' with programmin' and writes code for enjoyment.  There is no problem too big or small for him when dealin' with technology.
He introduced me to this super neat-o book today.  He is currently readin' it, but is goin' to let me borrow it when he is finished readin'.

Tried it Awesomeness #2: Halloween Question Cards
I tried my own product that Miss Nelson and I created for our Double Trouble Store.
First, I had my students use the cards with their 3rd grade buddies as discussion cards.  I loved hearin' the responses they were givin' to one another. 
Then, we decided to use the cards in our room for a little writin' assignment.  Each child chose a card and wrote an answer to his/her question.
Would you rather be stuck in a Haunted House with ghosts or zombies?
What do you think your teacher will dress up as for Halloween?

Which monster would you prefer to be for a day? Mummy, zombie, werewolf, ghost, vampire, etc.

If you could only get one candy while trick-or-treating, which kind would you get?

If you could dress someone up in your class for Halloween, which costume would you choose?

Tried it Awesomeness #3: Skeleton Names
Last week I read Christy's blog, Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road and came across her skeleton craftiness post.  She is an ARTIST because mine didn't turn out anything like hers.  Kudos to Christy!
The students really enjoyed the skeleton name craft.  We have a few that "forgot" how to write cursive over the summer, but I was super sweet and helped them write their names.

Tried it Awesomeness #4: Rock Star Lush soap
My sweet roomie brought this back to me from her trip to Boston over Fall Break.  She knows me so well!

Be sure to check out the other Tried it Tuesdays on Holly's blog.  I promise once I get finished writin' this Professional Development Plan, I WILL read the rest of your blogs!


  1. I am a master at procrastinating as well! (One of the downfalls of also being a blogger...blogging is more fun!) Good luck finishing your PDP! (Maybe it should have something to do with connecting with other educators electronically via blogging...just a thought!) :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. I just downloaded InstaFrame! Thanks for the tip. I too know a little about procrastination....I should be doing a lot of things, but blogging and downloading new apps is certainly more fun!

    - Kate
    Kate's Classroom Cafe

  3. I'm a HUGE procrastinator and am easily distracted!!! I love that app-did you make your Halloween frames with the app? I already love your student because I have the same invention book-it's awesome! He has great taste! OMG-he could start writing your blog posts! haha Skeletons look amazing!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  4. Love the app, love the writing discussion cards (and the illustrations look great). The blood coming off of the teeth is a great touch. That is such a cool way to do cursive, at first I thought it was for symmetrical skeletons.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  5. Procrastination? Yep! I bet if we did a poll, there would be SO many bloggers who are queens and kings of procrastination. I have always worked better under pressure though. :) I love the skeleton names activity and the Halloween question cards are great! I love how the student wrote that they would be "exotically devastated" if they could only get one piece of candy for Halloween! haha!!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  6. Love this post. Love LOVE LOVE your tech genius. I need him to write code for me. Your students did some great writing. I'm dying over the hotdog one and you has a bag of jelly beans. Definitely downloading that app instead of finishing my ipdp.
    See you tomorrow

  7. Your Halloween cards look amazing. I love how you went from oral discussion skills to writing - those are great topics. Your little tech genius is too cute! Good luck getting your actual work done now that you have shared a great post!


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