
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How to draw a Valentine's monkey...Tried it Tuesday

It's Tuesday...time to link-up with my sweet friend Holly 
Tried it Tuesday.


It's no secret that I'm addicted to Pinterest.
You can find me here.
With the help of Pinterest and my bestie, I 
discovered Art for Kids Hub not too long ago.
I like this site because the artist normally attaches
a YouTube video for students to get a step-by-step
and there are so many options to choose from. is the artist's, Rob Jensen, Pinterest page.
if you are interested in followin' him.
(Holy moly...Rob found my blog post...he wrote to ME.
I am ECSTATIC...I just showed my kids and they are FLIPPIN' out.
We feel like real-life ROCKSTARS!)

Tried it Awesomeness : How to draw a Valentine's monkey
(My sweet friend, Erin aka Miss Lifesaver is goin' to LOVE this
because she loves monkeys!)

I browsed many drawin' choices on the 
I finally found one I wanted to use for Valentine's...
a monkey.
Technically, it's not for Valentine's, but
I am makin' my 5th graders be my Valentine this year,
so...they had to draw me a Valentine's monkey.
Only thing...they only had the tutorial for the head.
They had to get creative on their own for the body.

I've been pushin' my kids hard.
We needed a break.
Drawin' was the answer.
Music on, crayons out, brains decompressed.

In the drawin' process...

Get ready for a picture overload.  
I couldn't leave any out. 
So precious...I want to squeeze all their cheeks.
The monkeys...not my babies.

 Pinky the Monkey

Rocky the Monkey

Ms. Marshallow the Monkey

Bananas the Monkey

George the Monkey

Noble the Monkey

Cocoa the Monkey

Cheery the Monkey
Most everyone at my school calls me "Rosie"...
includin' the kids, parents, teachers, Admin, etc.

Firework the Monkey

Lula the Monkey

Magic the Monkey

Cutie Pie the Monkey

Lovey the Monkey

Snickers the Monkey

Tulip the Monkey

Baby Love the Monkey

Bill Nye the Monkey Guy

Henry the Monkey

Nutella the Monkey

Gardner the Monkey

Sweetie the Monkey

Sassy the Monkey

I can't even take all the cuteness.
Happy Tuesday my friends!


  1. I love monkeys and I absolutely love these! Your students are so talented and creative. Great idea to decompress!

    Arielle Goldstein
    Technically A Media Specialist

    1. Thank you so much! I keep goin' out in the hallway to stare at them because they are so stinkin' cute!!

  2. Those monkeys are the Nutella Monkey, plus I love Nutella!

    Hodges Herald

  3. Oh my, they are precious!! I am home with 3 monkeys with cabin fever, I foresee an art project! Love it!

    1. Laura, there are so many great drawing on Art for Kids Hub. Your 3 monkeys would like any of them I'm sure.

  4. These monkeys are fantastic!!! I need to do this with my 5th graders. They always complain to me that the younger kids get to do fun stuff in the library...I think I need to change that!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, a step by step drawing in the Library would be fun and then they could do some research on whatever it is they are drawing!

  5. I LOVE that you thought of me. Of course, when I saw your post on FB, I had to click right away!!! When I was in 2nd grade, we watched a "How to draw video" for part of my party and got to make a monkey in a tree. I STILL make monkeys that way. This will be my perfect upgrade... and YES... I am doing it now! :)

  6. These are SOOOOOO cute! I've got some budding artists in my class who would love to draw some adorable monkeys like these!

    Keep Calm and Hoot On

  7. LOVE! Such fun! You are so right sometimes these kids simply need a break and what a fun (and relaxing way to take one!) I am definitely going to be checking this out for me because I am certainly in need of a drawing tutorial! All of my animals look like cats (even the dogs!) haha So much fun! Thanks for sharing!

    Learning to the Core

    1. Amanda, I just found the cutest dog one. I can't decide between that or the robot of our next drawing!

  8. That is a TON of cuteness! I have never heard of this site. With directions like the ones you showed, even I should be able to draw something that looks recognizable. :) I'm going to share this site with our Art teacher too. Thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  9. These are great! I am sure the kids loved the mini break for test prep!


  10. Love the monkeys! My students don't get any art class anymore so I will definitely be checking out that website. Thanks!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

    1. No art class? My kids would be so sad. They love all things art. You should do a step by step of Snoopy characters. That would be so fun!

  11. How CUTE!! I love the idea of a site that teaches kids how to draw. Now, if I can just get the district to un-firewall You-tube on our computers. : (

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  12. Those are absolutely adorable! I love how different they all came out and the clever things they did with the bodies. Cute!

    1. Thank you, Kelsey! I will let my kids know you enjoyed all the different ones!

  13. Every one of these is filled with cuteness! I am going to check out this site. My students might really like if for one of our many indoor recess days.

    Thanks for the tip!
    Learning in the Little Apple

  14. LOVE those monkeys!! They made me smile. :)
    Southern Fried Teachin

  15. Those monkeys are adorable! Of course I love Sassy Monkey and I can't get enough of Bill Nye the Monkey Guy! Love it!

  16. ADORABLE!!! Love this idea! What a great brain break...and we all need one! This reminds me of the Ed Emberly books I've used in class before. I must try this!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  17. OMG Alison, those are SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Your kids did a super job on them! I am going to browse that site tomorrow. My principal decided no valentine parties this year so doing art on Friday might just be the way to go! Please let your kiddos know they did a wonderful job on those sweet monkeys!!

  18. I just want to kiss them all!!!! How ADORABLE! (oops...I just noticed Joanne used the same word). :) How did I not know that everyone calls you Rosie? What's the story behind that? XXOO
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  19. Those monkeys are TOO cute!! We will probably have to reschedule Valentine parties for Monday (or later) with all the snow they're calling for tonight and tomorrow. Eek!!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  20. Ok, wow! These are so ridiculously cute!!! I think I'm going to attempt making the raccoon just for my own enjoyment- can only imagine how much fun my little friends would have with this- such a creative way to add art into the classroom and I can so see myself adding a little writing activity to this! Thanks for the ideas!
    Aylin :)
    Learning to the Core

  21. PRECIOUS monkeys! I'm in LOVE with all of them

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. OH my!! This is the cutest thing I've seen in forever!! I've been doing some art/craft projects with my kids during inside recess and they're loving it, so I've just moved this one to the top of my list!! Thanks for sharing another fantastic idea!

  24. So stinking adorable!!! I've seen some directed drawing here and there but never knew there was a website or Pinterest page! Totally hooked now! Thanks for another obsession! LOL!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  25. Rosie! I about died when I saw this post! I love every single one, they did such a great job. I've got to show my kids when I get home, they're going to flip. Would you mind if I include a link to your post from ours?


    1. ABSOLUTELY!!!! I about died myself when I saw you posted on my blog. THANK YOU!!! We LOVE using your site and my kids want to do EVERY single drawing you have on there. I've saved so many of your drawings on all my different Pinterest boards. Art for Kids is AMAZING!!

  26. Love these! I think I will use this after our state testing. Can't wait to check out the website.

    Quinnessential Lessons

  27. What a fun activity! I am going to make some time and have my kids make some of these nifty little guys.

    Fifth Grade Wit and


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