
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tried It Tuesday...Let's talk turkey...

It's Tuesday...It's Tuesday...It's Tuesday...time for Tried It Tuesday with my buddy, Holly, from Fourth Grade Flipper.  I just love, love, love readin' about everyone's awesomeness on Tuesdays.

I'm sure many of you communicate with your friends and loved ones about your "bloggin' life" and they may or may not tune out when you start speakin' "bloggy language".  Yes?  I had to share somethin' funny that happened on Sunday night...Monday mornin' in the wee hours.  I couldn't sleep...I had woken up and was restless, so I decided to post my Monday Made It and am pretty sure I woke up the neighborhood with the brightness of the computer screen.  I later told Jerm I was so tired and was super jealous that he slept so soundly the night before.  I mean...he really should have been awake, sufferin' like I was. Anyways...he said, "What's the matter?  You couldn't sleep?  Did you put up your TRIED IT MONDAY?"   I busted out laughin' was just too much and so very funny.  At least he half listens. 

My one and only awesomeness:Let's Talk Turkey
I happened upon this activity on TpT and knew immediately that my boys and girls needed to do this activity as a home task because one of the choices is to go to a grocery store.  Although we have a Publix right down the road, it's too late for me to get a field trip organized.'s free and you can grab it here

Here is the product description:
Reinforce your students' knowledge of estimating and addition with decimals with this "delicious" assignment! Students estimate the price of a Thanksgiving meal for a family of four people. They have four choices on how to gather the data, and then prepare presentation boards. This assignment is a perfect fit for classrooms with gifted and talented cluster groupings of students. A rubric is included that assesses all components of the assignments and ability levels.
Thanksgiving Day feast at a restaurant.

 Estimated cost of the meal.

Actual cost of the meal.

Menu for the Thanksgiving feast @ Old Mill Restaurant in Pigeon Forge, TN.
This student only has three members in her family.  Since you have to have four people, she added me as her pretend guest...a pretend "child" guest.

  Thanksgiving Dinner Essentials from Publix Super Market.  This sweet student has six people in her family.  She got to choose which four members actually got to eat the pretend meal and who did not.  She chose her parents and her sister.  Her brothers had to eat cereal outside.  She was goin' to give them leftovers, but they wouldn't eat them.

 Estimated and actual cost of the meal for a family of four.

 Estimated Cost of a meal to cook at home.

Actual cost for a family of four to eat at a restaurant buffet.

 I love how all the pictures are in a pumpkin pie design.

 This student went to the grocery store to get the estimated and actual cost.

I like how he chose to add the difference between the estimated and actual cost and how much over the estimate the meal actually turned out to be.
Love this place setting of a turkey dinner.
 The turkey is at the table.

 Actual photos from the items at the grocery store. 

This one cracked me up!

 The tabs have the estimate on one side and the actual cost on the other.

The pilgrim has all of his food in his mouth.

Lots of color and detail on this one.

Leaves glued on a shiny poster.

Love the hand-drawn leaf designs on this poster.

The items are on the tables.

Up close of the table.

This family decided to actually make the meal.

Dad enjoyed modeling for the picture.  

I will be addin' more pictures as more projects come in.  I can't wait to see what the kids come up with.  This is a great review for them as we continue our adventures with decimals and they get to have some fun with their family on this project.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Tried it Tuesdays on Holly's blog.


  1. Too funny, I was writing my Career Tech lessons for next week and wanted to do an activity similar to this where they planned a meal using cost of food in groups to practice our budgeting skills. But I can't assign homework and couldn't find online prices for food so I quit...after wasting a good 20 minutes trying. I will be jealous from afar.

  2. Love how you make your lessons applicable to real life. Great idea!

    iTeach 1:1

  3. What a fantastic lesson idea. I'm pinning this to remember for later. Love this!

  4. Great real life problem solving! I love a freebie, but I love Tried It Monday more!!!! Can't stop laughing! Our poor guys, they try to keep up!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. Fun idea! Gotta love those 'real world math situations'!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  6. Great Thanksgiving activity! The girl who makes her brothers eat cereal outside cracks me up!
    Forever in Fifth Grade

  7. I love using real like things to practice math! Funny about your story--I don't even tell my husband the regular linky parties I participate in (and if I did I think it would go in one ear and out the other : )
    Kids Math Teacher

  8. That is so funny about Jerm!! Why do men seem to sleep so soundly? I can be up over and over again with the kids and the next day he has no clue! lol. I love, love your Thanksgiving dinner activity! What an authentic way to learn for your students. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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