
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tried It Tuesday: Lettin' go of Control, Murder Mysteries, & ibotta

I have a confession to make:  "Forgive me bloggers, for I have sinned.  It's been one whole week since my last blog post."  I'm surprised y'all haven't stopped followin' me yet, but I'm super glad you haven't!  Not only am I in a happy mood because it's Tuesday, one of my favorite bloggin' days because of Holly, but also because I have a FOUR day weekend comin' up.  Yep, yep, yep....scream it loud and proud with me..."FALL BREAK!"  I see nothin' in my future.  That's right...I HAVE NO OFFICIAL PLANS!  Just me, my pajamas, Netflix, Kindle app, and my couch!  I'm goin' to park my car on Thursday afternoon and see how long I can go without movin' it. This will become a game for me.  This I can guarantee you.  I'm so livin' life on the edge! Don't be jealous...

Since it's Tuesday...I'm linkin' up with my buddy Holly from the Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday.

                              Tried it Awesomeness #1:  Lettin' go of Control
My next door 5th grade buddies, Amy and Ashley, have paired up with my class to do state projects.  They have 44 students, so they gave each of their students an individual state to work on.  That left 6 states for my class.  That worked perfectly for us because we work in 6 table groups in my class...all day every day, but normally, I pick the groups.  Here's where I let go of control...I let the kids pick their own groups and tables to sit with to work on our projects.  This will also be their table groups for all other subjects, excludin' Math because we work whole group on the floor and then separate out into flexible groups.  I gave the students the guidelines, rubric, and due dates and let them go for it.  So good!  Here are some pictures of students usin' devices to go along with our B.Y.O.D. approach to help with research.  All sorts of devices are bein' used. Desktops, laptops, smart phones, ipods, Kindles, iPads.  Don't hesitate to try this...

Tried it Awesomeness #2:  Murder Mystery Dinner
I blogged about this last week, here(at the bottom), but I wanted to share the link with you guys on where you could purchase your own Night of Mystery: Murder Mystery Party.  There are several to choose from and they are very reasonably priced.  Everything was included and it was loads of F-U-N! They even have their own bloggy blog.  I can't take the credit for stumblin' upon this awesomeness.  Jerm's brother and beautiful bride did an excellent job pickin' out the appropriate mystery for our group of friends. I'm ready to do another yesterday.  Don't wait...

Tried it Awesomeoness #3: ibotta app
I also blogged about this in the past, here, but I felt like it was worth bringin' up again.  Why? Because it's free money for you crazy grocery shoppers.  I only go to the grocery store to use this app.  True story.
*I don't work for ibotta or even know anyone from ibotta personally, but I think I might be in love with them because of the whole free money to my PayPal account thing.  Is that weird?  Don't answer...
Since my last post about this in July, I have only earned an additional $12, but that's because I very sneakily have gotten out of havin' to go to the grocery store.  Don't judge...
Mom, if you are readin' this...I'm so sorry that I didn't inherit the cookin' gene from you.  If you want to finally admit that you took home the wrong child from the hospital, I'll completely understand...even if I do look exactly like you and Dad both.  Don't disown me...
                                     Click here or on the picture to check it out.

                       Tried it Awesomeness #4:  Coffee instead of Diet Coke
I'm seriously....SERIOUSLY tryin' to kick the Diet Coke habit.  I went a whole FIVE days without it and then I fell off the wagon.  That's to be expected...right?  I'm tryin' something  I've never been a big coffee drinker, but sometimes I like to have a Starbucks here and there.  This lovely coffee appeared at my house from Marshall's...thanks to my bestie, Sharon. It is yumm-o!  It's definitely gettin' me in the mood for Fall.  Don't pass this up if you see it...
                                           Doesn't the bag look so festive? 

                                  With a cute mug like can one resist? 

Bonus surprise at the end...a cute lil' giraffe! 

Have a happy week, y'all and be sure to check out everyone else's Tried it Tuesdays at Holly's blog!  Be on the lookout later in this week for somethin' excitin' happenin' for Deb @ Crafting Connections.   


  1. I would love to know more about BYOD. Is that a schoolwide policy or something that happens only in your room. I could guide my kids to do so much more if we had more devices!!

    Polka Dots & Teaching Tots

  2. I am soooo jealous of your long fall weekend! We don't get any days off until Thanksgiving. :(

    Your state project sounds so wonderful! It's amazing how our kiddos can surprise us when we stop being the sage on the stage and become the guide on the side, right?

    Glad you are back but don't feel too bad....I only blogged once last week too! :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. I hear you on the slacking on the blog! It was amazing that I actually wrote twice last week. This cold is kicking my rear and schoolwork is insane every night. Why can't I figure out how to come home with no work? haha! That long weekend sounds like heaven! We have off on Monday and I am planning on staying put that day.

    The BYOD looks amazing!! I always think of my students that wish they had devices though (I have quite a few this year with really rough home situations). Although, those students could use the school devices. I think I will have to check and see if our school has a policy for BYOD for the purpose of using in the classroom.

    You crack me up with your no grocery shopping! :) Do you just order out? When my husband goes out of town, it is pitiful because he is the cook. I would literally live off of bagels, cereal, fruit, and yogurt. Forget the gourmet meals kids! :)
    Thanks for linking up, friend!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. I knew we were soul mates! I HATE cooking too! And I LOVE Diet Coke...why are you giving it up? What will you do with your poster? haha I like McDonald's iced coffee-have to have it every morning...I'd rather be late than not have it! (It's serious!)
    I want to try that Murder Mystery Party-will you come if I have one??!!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. I just signed up for iBotta! That looks pretty cool. And I like free money. Thanks for the sweet hook-up.

    I have to admit {sadly} that I don't have an iPad. I want one soooooo bad, but I don't wanna pay for one, and I keep hoping our school will purchase them for us. In fact, we have a staff meeting tomorrow morning, and I read the agenda. He put on there that there's one iPad for one teacher, and you'd have to agree to go to 5 after school trainings. Hello!!!! I sooooo want to be the one who gets to do this, but there's a couple teachers I'm gonna have to beat up in the parking lot or bribe with my yummy brownies to get it all for myself. Keep your fingers crossed that I get it. : )

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  6. So cool to see your kiddos using different devices for their research. They look so engaged! We're starting U.S. regions projects soon, which will probably look similar. Jealous of your fall break by the way. Enjoy the time off.:)

    iTeach 1:1


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